Praise for “Blue Moves”

by | Dec 8, 2023

Dear Professor Restall ,
I have recently had the great pleasure of reading your book Blue Moves. Thank you for writing it! Such a magnificent contribution to the 33 1/3 series.

For me, your book fulfills the highest aspirations of that series, including providing multiple contexts for understanding an album that WAS a real challenge to understand/appreciate.  That you address the cultural, historical, music business, creative collaborations (the supporting musicians as well John/Taupin) and creative trajectories of these artists made your book a deeply enriching read.  Thank you!! So much more satisfying and illuminating than just a track-by-track unpacking or analysis, though I thoroughly enjoyed your observations on individual tracks and specific performances. So much fun to read.
When Misters John and Taupin were in the midst of that period of prolific creativity (Tumbleweed Connection, Madman Across the Water) I was in high school and a huge fan. Those albums still have great meaning to me.  Sadly, I steadily lost my feeling of connection (reverence) for the work of John/Taupin. I kept trying to keep the connection through Captain Fantastic.
The last Elton John album I purchased or listened to was Blue Moves.  I distinctly remember the unarticulated but persistent feeling of “What is this?”  Some of the songs, particularly the opening instrumental, were awe-inspiring.  But life and music moved on and I totally stopped listening to Elton John.  It felt like a loss. It still feels like a loss.
Over the decades, the only “reconnection” I experienced was via the great scene in the movie Almost Famous where a bunch of folks on a tour bus are singing Tiny Dancer. Magic.
And now, your book.  With your book I now have the answer to my unarticulated but persistent question about Blue Moves: Thanks to you, I have a deeply satisfying and erudite explanation of the uniqueness of that album.
At the age of 64 (and a 1986/PhD PSU alum) I did not know that the question and the answer still would have this much resonance. I feel like you have given me an understanding of the art of John/Taupin that has contributed to my nascent  understanding of the meaning of art in general.
Thank you.  [Name withheld]